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Find Your Perfect Individual Learning style as a Family

Travelling by boat

Sailing families

Enjoying living in the country side

Enjoying farm life

Touring the world​

Travelling the world

Exploring world cities

Visiting cities around the globe with children

About Us

Our own love for traveling, having home-schooled many years when our children were younger, being passionate sailors and the experience we gained running our own internationally accredited Montessori school in Spain for several years has led to our idea to help families who are sailing or travelling around the world with teaching their children and giving sound advice through a hands-on approach. Whether you are perpetual travelers, digital nomads or expats and need support to give your children a high quality education at home, you have come to the right place.

How can we help you?
We base our recommendations on the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori and promote the basics of Positive Discipline

Children ages 0-3​

Our youngest children absorb everything around them with greatest interest. We need to expose them to a calm and stimulating environment. Get inspiration and guidance of how to give the best start to your family.

$ 500 yearly membership comprising personal assessment and monthly meetings
Children ages 3-6​

Everything is a wonder as children try and make sense of the world that surrounds them. Make the best of this amazing period in your family’s life and built a sturdy base with good values and many learning opportunities.

$ 500 yearly membership comprising personal assessment and monthly meetings
Children ages 6-12

Nothing can stop children at this age to explore and follow their own curiosity. Help them during this crucial period to establish good working habits and they will become great self-learners for many years to come. Have a great start learning on the go.

$ 1000 yearly membership comprising personal assessment, inscription certificate
Get started

If you are setting off for a new adventure and need advice on how to best cater for your children’s educational needs during your travels or life abroad, please get in touch for a first personal assessment.

$ Free consultation
Get monthly support

There may be times that you need support and guidance on your path of enjoying learning as a family. We accompany you wherever you are and will get in touch on a monthly basis to assess and help you.

$ Included in the annual membership
Get special attention

Should you encounter special challenges and are in need of some extra support we are here to give you a helping hand and give you guidance during more difficult times.

$ 200/consultation
We’re Here To Help You

Get in touch today

Please write and get in contact

You may want to write to us about your personal circumstances and needs. This is perfectly fine. We will answer as quickly as possible to give you support and guidance you may need wherever you are. First consultation 100% free.